• Enquisite

    Enquisite is focused specifically on incoming search engine and PPC traffic. It provides in-depth statistics including page position, landing pages, and specific geographic data.

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  • Clicky

    Clicky is a clean, all-encompassing analytics package. The service is tailored for small websites and blogs. It's easy to implement and contains advanced features such as real-time visitor tryticsacking and in-depth content analysis.

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  • ReportingOn

    Still in its beta stage, this social network is designed for reporters to discuss their beat or stories. An asynchronistic communication style similar to Twitter, the question this time is, “What are you reporting on?” There are around 600 reporters and professionals from around the world subscribed to the network. Only time will tell if…

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  • Help a Reporter Out (HARO)

    As a PR professional, this is by far my favorite tool. The brainchild of Peter Shankman, this is the only free resource I am aware of where reporters submit queries directly to PR professionals – no strings attached. Subscribers to the list serve receive up to three daily emails, each with anywhere from 15-30 queries…

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  • PitchEngine

    The emergence of the social media release (SMR) will soon dominate in interactions between journalists and PR people. Those who do not take the initiative to learn about the “new press release” will get left behind. My favorite tool to date is PitchEngine. Still in beta stage, PitchEngine offers a full suite of Web 2.0…

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