• 10 Tips – Success in Affiliate Marketing

    There are some important points to reflect upon which this article addresses: 1) It is advisable to choose one or very few niches to promote initially, to enable to concentrate your efforts in few specific areas. Avoid signing up with a large number of programs which would tend to diffuse your efforts and focus, leading…

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  • Search Engine Optimization For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) (Paperback)

    Product Description Why do some sites pop to the top when you search? How do you make yours one of them? You create sites that make search engines happy — that’s what search engine optimization is all about. Search Engine Optimization For Dummies has been the leading resource on how to make that happen, and…

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  • The Importance of Back links in SEO

    Backlinks are links that are directed towards your website. Also knows as Inbound links (IBL's). The number of backlinks is an indication of the popularity or importance of that website. Some search engines, especially Google takes your website and performs a mathematic equation and places a numeric value on your website depending on the back…

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  • 20 SEO checklists

    Search Engine optimization should be an integral part of your website project, from the beginning to end. You should structure your website correctly and make it spider friendly to get a high search engine ranking. You can use the following list to make sure you’re your web pages can be found, indexed and ranked correctly…

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  • 6 Steps to Get a Good Search Engine Ranking

    If you have a website selling a good product or service and your site have a good search engine ranking for the keyword phrase related to the service your website offers, you will be able to get a significant income from that site. You will not be able to achieve the targeted traffic if your…

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  • 4 Steps to Smart Outsourcing of Your SEO Project

    Getting too many SEO Projects or too busy to work on your own SEO Project? Don't worry, I will show you 4 smart steps to outsource your SEO Project for better ROI. Step 1: Do a Basic Research and understand the project scope, target audience, and keywords. Get answers to below topics: 1. The market…

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  • EducationTimes Article on Career Opportunities in Mobile Apps Development

    APPS-OLUTE MAGIC! AS MOBILE PHONE COMPANIES LOOK TO ATTRACT USERS THROUGH SMARTPHONE APPLICATIONS, THE DEMAND FOR SMARTPHONE APPLICATION DEVELOPERS IS GROWING. ADIL MARAWALA EXPLORES THIS ENTERPRISING AND CREATIVE CAREER The ubiquitous mobile can now do more than merely vibrate and make calls. The handheld telephony device, when infused with 2G/ 3G technology, transforms into a…

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  • 13 Essential SEO Techniques

    1. Title Tag – The title tag is most important in SEO. Place the exact keyword you are trying to optimize in your title tag. Every single web page should have its own title tag. 2. ALT Tags – HTML tag that provides alternative text when non-textual elements, typically images, cannot be displayed. Put the…

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