Want to make a career in Internet Marketing ?

Careers in Internet Marketing

As the influence of Internet Marketing grows, so do the career opportunities. Here,I am presenting an overview that will help you assume the role of a skilled internet marketing professional, a position in high demand for employers seeking to help their companies grow. From entry-level to senior positions, here are just some of the job titles that exist in this rapidly expanding field:

Career Spotlight

SEO Strategist
Search Engine Optimization involves optimizing a web site architecture and content
to ensure visibility for target audiences on search engine platforms. The SEO strategist develops and oversees strategic SEO initiatives that range from copywriting to technical deployment.

Social Media Manager
Social Media Marketing is quickly becoming a critical part of the marketing mix. The Social Media Manager develops and maintains relationships within the blogging and social networking communities to support marketing and PR goals. They also spearhead efforts to publish branded media on social media platforms.

E-Commerce Manager
Online shopping and electronic delivery of paid content are business models that make up a growing segment of today's economy. The E-Commerce Manager defines electronic commerce objectives, develops online marketing plans, and determines technology needed to achieve goals.

Internet Public Relations Strategist
The lines between traditional media outlets and online press venues are blurring. Internet Public Relations Strategists are key players in monitoring a company’s online reputation. They also increase awareness of the company brand through online media outreach campaigns.

Other Careers
Associate SEO Marketer
Director of Marketing
Internet Marketing Consultant
Marketing Coordinator – SEO
Online Marketing Assistant
Online Visibility Specialist
Pay Per Click Specialist
Search Analyst
Web Analytics Analyst
Web Copywriter
Web Content Developer