Tips on Distributing Your Content for Publishing

1. Distribute your content to as many sites as possible. The more sites that carry your content, the more likely you are to be found by searchers looking for you. There are plenty of article directories and other sites on the Internet, such as Ezine Articles, that rank high in search engines and increase your visibility.

Keep in mind, Article directories are only the first step to getting your articles out there. Write good articles and you’ll get syndicated in ezines, newsletters, and print publications. This extends your reach and gets you more publicity.

2. Remember, you are offering value to potential customers when you write articles.This increases your website conversion. Submit your content regularly. This will help you build valuable backlinks and keep search engines from banning your content.

3. Make your content available in different formats. Convert your articles into PDF for download, create an RSS feed of your articles, or turn them into an audio feed. The more formats you have available, the more you will please your visitors and make your site different.

4. Write content that is search engine friendly. Include your keywords within your articles and properly format your articles for submission. By using the right related keywords to your site, you'll rank higher in the search engines.

5. Offer your content to affiliates. If you don't have an affiliate program, start one. Allow your affiliates to change your site link to their affiliate links. This spreads the reach of your articles and builds more backlinks to your website, raising your rankings in the search engines.

6. Use your content on your own website. Some article writers tell you not to include your articles on your site because of the duplicate content penalty, but you are the ultimate authority on your articles. Your visitors will come looking for your site. Make it easy for them to find your articles by posting them on your site.

Duplicate content is an issue to consider when building your website,but don't be afraid to use it the right way.Provide your visitors with quality content to build a relationship with them.Happy visitors are loyal visitors and loyal visitors become loyal customers.Follow a few simple rules and duplicate content won’t cause you any problems.Use content to grow your business, whether as an article writer or site owner and you’ll raise your site’s rankings in the search engines, build valuable backlinks and make more sales.

Now that you better understand the duplicate content debate and know how to properly use duplicate content, there's no reason to shy away from it. What are you waiting for? The simple truth is that article marketing and duplicate content are both viable ways of extending your web presence. There is nothing to fear from the search engines if you follow the established rules that have been in place all along. Contrary to rumors across the Internet, the search engines are in the hands of reasonable minds. The rules they have established are there to protect you, not harm you. They are there to ensure everyone on the Net is on the same level playing field and are not denied an equal opportunity at success by the hacks and black-hatters.