The Perfect Career Path for a Super SEO

The perfect career path for a super SEO. Obviously, there are other ways to develop yourself, but this is how I would do it if I could go back in time.

1. Learn design and programming from the start

There’s really no way around this. If you want to be a good SEO, you need to learn the language of the web. Knowing HTML, CSS, PHP, and other scripting languages will help you to understand how the Internet works and how search engines crawl pages in their indexes. An SEO who can’t program is like a dolphin with a missing fin.

2. Read SEO Book.

Aaron Wall is a very knowledgeable SEO whom I’ve had the privilege of speaking to in the past. The SEO Book training program is the best and most comprehensive course I’ve seen in the industry and I recommend all aspiring SEO’s to sign up and take part.

3. Develop and market your own sites

There’s really nothing like good ole’ experience to learn from. Pick a niche, start a site, and experiment with different SEO strategies to get it to the top of the SERPs.

4. Follow the search marketing sites

As an SEO, one of your main tasks to stay competitive will be to follow the latest trends and tactics - especially because the industry changes so quickly. Danny Sullivan and the folks over at Search Engine Land do an awesome job in staying on top of the news. Be sure to subscribe to the SEL feed.

5. Start your own SEO blog

If you want to be perceived as a thought leader in the industry, an SEO blog gives you the perfect platform to relay your thoughts and opinions. Blogging also helps you to connect with the community and to develop a personal brand.

6. Experiment with black hat SEO tactics

I don’t necessarily agree with the SEO’s that insist on keeping on a pristine white hat. Some of the shadier black hat SEO’s are some of the smartest marketers I’ve ever met - and they are definitely rolling in the money. Black hat isn’t necessarily the best way to go, but experimenting in the gray areas can make you a better overall SEO (and learn to defend against competitors that use black hat tactics).

7. Get a business degree

If I had to pick a college degree that was best suited for SEO, I’d choose business. Understanding the general marketing and business principles are crucial for the success of SEO campaigns and selling online.

8. Work as an in-house SEO for a large corporation

In-house SEO comes first because it is the most stable and long term. The earning potential isn’t very high but it’s a great way to learn the ropes and get a feel for the corporate culture.

9. Work for an SEO agency

Working for an SEO agency is usually more demanding than doing in-house SEO work. Strict deadlines have to be met, but there is much greater team support and an opportunity to really hone those SEO skills with a variety of clients.

10. Promote your own online business on the side

Again, experience is the best teacher, and you should be working independently on the side on your own web projects. Not only will this thicken your resume and provide you with more experience and knowledge, but it was also give you another source of income that will lessen your reliance on a 9-5 job.

11. Get your own SEO clients - work as an independent consultant

Working for an SEO agency helps you to develop your SEO skills. Working as an independent SEO consultant helps you to develop your SEO skills AND forces you to thrive in selling, developing a business, and coming up with a sound strategy for success. It’s a whole new ball game that facilitates the transition to entrepreneur.

12. Speak at industry conferences, work on personal branding

It’s strange but true… Speaking at an SEO industry conference can catapult you from nobody to superstar overnight. Just be sure you have something intriguing to say before you go and make a fool of yourself.

13. Write a book on SEO, continue blogging

Another asset that symbolizes power and authority is a book. An SEO who has written a book on the subject will be perceived much more highly than someone who hasn’t done the same. For example, Kris Jones of Pepperjam recently wrote a book on SEO to solidify his position as an Internet marketing guru.

14. Develop a system, hire staff, & build a business

Now that you have a strong personal brand, tons of connections, and SEO and business marketing expertise, it’s time you leverage those assets to develop a system, hire staff to support your system, and build a business that you can bank on for many years to come.

Are you a super SEO yet? If you could start over again, what would you do differently? What does your perfect SEO career path look like?