11 Things to Remember in Content Optimization

To get good traffic to your site, you should have relevant contents. Good contents will help to improve the conversion rate. The words will sell. That is why content optimization is important. Here are some things to remember when doing the content optimization:

1. On every page except home page use your main key phrases.
2. Use your key phrases in your hyperlinks.
3. Create a good page title.
4. Use only 2 or 3 keywords per page and don't insert keywords to copyrighted material.
5. Try to give what your audience looking for.
6. Create pages like FAQ Pages, how to pages, industry glossary.
7. Also put articles related to your products or services.
8. Use description meta tag. Give more importance to the pages having high conversion rates.
9. Give title for all pages.
10. Don't use too much graphics.
11. Always monitor and update your contents.